ThreatSure – Designed to be your ally in the boardroom

Do you crave an ally in the boardroom when arguing the case for more spending on cyber security? Threatsure delivers effective, affordable results that will highlight your vulnerabilities including missing patches; open ports and weak passwords. “Companies are looking for a cost-effective solution they can trust and we have designed this service to provide that,” …

Caught in a cyber storm: Why is the UK experiencing a surge in attacks?

A series of high-profile attacks in the UK targeting Dell, Santander, Ticketmaster and a number of major hospitals in London has highlighted the need for all companies to invest in Cyber Security training for their staff Abbey Wright reports. Guy’s, St Thomas’s and Kings College hospitals declared critical incidents following a ransomware attack associated with …

Making contacts and getting inspired at CyberUK

By Business Development Manager Georgia Routledge-Moore Last week, Tony Wilson and I had the pleasure of attending Cyber UK. The much-anticipated show in Birmingham was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our services while connecting with new and familiar faces! CyberUK hosted a Women in Cyber breakfast that I was fortunate enough to attend. With only …

New UK law to better protect ‘smart’ devices

A new UK law has been introduced to improve the security of “smart” devices and embedded systems writes Cyber Security Technologist James Galbraith. Among the new regulations, manufacturers must not leave passwords blank or easy-to-guess. What is covered by the law? Among the products covered by this new law are: – Smart speakers – Televisions …

Palo Alto Networks logo on a blurred background of a router

Critical PAN-OS Vulnerability: What You Need to Know

Due to a vulnerability discovered on Wednesday (CVE-2024-3400), Palo Alto Networks is working on releasing a critical security hotfix for the following versions of PAN-OS : 10.2.9-h1, 11.0.4-h1, and 11.1.2-h3. This critical security hotfix is to patch a vulnerability that was discovered with a CVSS severity score of 10 out of 10. The exploit allows …

Become a Trusted Partner to give your clients next level cyber service!

Are you an IT service provider looking for external, independent cyber security auditing for your clients? Indelible Data works with almost 30 Trusted Partners across the UK to deliver independent Cyber Essentials auditing and a range of other white-labelled services including Penetration Testing and Cyber Security Awareness Training. The beauty of these partnerships is that …

Artificial Intelligence is making life easier for cyber criminals

Indelible Data offers a range of packages for Cyber Essentials certification. Attackers are constantly adapting to new technologies so, as we go into 2024, it is important to be aware of new as well as existing cyber security threats that you could be targeted by, writes Cyber Security Technologist Tyson McGuirk. Artificial Intelligence has been …

Don’t leave it to the last minute to migrate to ISO 27001:2022!

ISO 27001 remains a vital asset for any organisation looking to demonstrate compliance while showing an organisation’s entrenched culture of security, writes Cyber Compliance Technician Aidan Collins. The internationally recognised standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) offers robust protection against cyber threats with its controls, fostering a culture of security. With most organisations being …